Weekly Pool & Spa Services
Weekly Pool & Spa Services
Our services include:
- Test and adjust chemical levels, adding the necessary chemicals to keep the water in balance.
- Skim the pool to remove all debris from water surface.
- Brush the pool tiles and the interior walls.
- Vacuum the bottom of the pool/spa.
- Empty the skimmer and pump baskets.
- Clean filter(s) or backwash as necessary.
- Inform customer of any problems or necessary repairs.
- Acid washing of swimming pool or spa
Pool Clean-ups for pools that are dark green, brown, and/or black - Hand cleaning of pool or spa tile, and fountains
Re-grouting of existing tile - Replacement of pool filter cartridge as necessary.
- Auto-pool cleaner repairs
- Phosphate Treatments
- Salt added based on needs
Service day
The services detailed above are for a minimum of 48 cleaning days per year. If your service day falls on a holiday we will make every attempt to work it into another service day that same week.
Pool Owner Responsibility
During the summer months we recommend your filter system to run at least 8 hours each day of the week for the chemicals to circulate properly. Please maintain proper water levels in the pool and spa at all times. Wwhen there is pool trouble, we will contact you as soon as possible. However, we are only as good as your pool system equipment allow us to be!